Monday, October 27, 2008

not a good week

This week has been an awful week. I was down and out on Wed, Thurs, Fri and part of Saturday. Usually I have one or maybe two days that are bad, but this week was the worst.
I was very fatigued and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I look around and get very frustrated when I see the floor needs sweeping , or the windows need washing. I love fall and decorating for halloween and thanksgiving, and I don't even have the energy to do that. So that added to the emotional effect of this terrible time. Combined with not being able to get out of bed or not being able to just sit at the table for very long, it was torture. I know in my head that hopefully this will all be over soon, but when you are right in the middle of the situation it seems so distant. I just cannot wait to be able to do things, everyday things, again.
Wow, what a dismal blog. We have a new Dunn Bros Coffee shop that opened up down the street, I think, since I am feeling better today, I should treat myself. So I will pick up my knitting project, sit in front of their fireplace, have a cup of coffee and escape for a couple of hours. Yeah, that sounds good. Have a great day everyone. Talk with you soon.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Round 3 done

This past Friday was my second treatment in Round three. There is a guy who started with me in the chemo class and our treatments seem to be at the same time, he has hodgekins stage 3 and his doc had a pet scan done last week. Well he had great news, the scan showed no signs of cancer left. He will still finish out his 6 months of treatment in case there are cancer cells to small to be caught on the scan. We were so very happy for him.

So my next treatment will be on Halloween. I am saving my next video for that day. Wait until you see who I dress up as. Hahahahahahaha. I hope I can get it right.

Well, just wanted to touch base with everyone. Hopefully this next week will work for me. Keep me in your prayers. Love you all....Have a wonderful week. We are having some great fall weather. Hope you are too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's about time

Good day everyone...sorry I haven't written in so long. I am starting to learn how to handle the down days.
Last week my cousin Linda came out to visit me and stayed for 5 days. We had a great time. I was down and out for 1 day, so we had some quality time. We went yarn shop hopping, another day we made 4 strombolis that were soooooo delicious. Then we spent a day knitting and then went out for dinner and the knit shop for our Friday night divas group. Anyone that knows Linda can imagine how fun it was to hear her stories and just sit around and visit.And she shaved my head.......... Oh I cannot forget her "babies". Check out the picture. I just have the greatest and most supportive family around me. I am sooo blessed.

Tuesday I had a breathing test to test my lungs. One medication that I take, effects my lungs and they have to keep close tabs on that. Well, there was minimal change from my base line test, so Dr Anderson decided to delete the med from my treatment. He said I am far enough in my treatment that it would not make an impact on my end result. He feels we can still see a cure without it. We decided to get another pet scan after my 4th round. So we are looking at after November 14.

My next treatment is Friday. Joe is taking me this time. Larry took me last time and he learned how to long tail cast on. (knit) So Joe, be prepared. Come to treatment, learn to knit. Hey maybe I have found my niche in life. Teach knitting during chemo. Uhhhhh, NO.

Everyone have a wonderful week and I will try to get a new video out soon. Love you all....God Bless you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008