Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I waited to write until the big wedding was over. Our neighbor's daughter had a beautiful day and she looked so beautiful and happy. Here are pics of myself, Joe and Denise and Caroline. We had a great time. Only problem, I dropped my camera in the church and smashed it. I will need to get it fixed so I can get some videos and pics on here.

Now what I wanted to say was how great I felt. I have no idea what was so different last week, but that time was historically not a good time. I would start feeling bad on Tues and go downhill until Friday and then up again on Saturday. Well, I went to the rehersal dinner on Thursday....went shopping on Friday....and was at the wedding all day Saturday. I felt sooooo normal. Cannot wait until I am feeling this way on a daily basis.

So, I guess since I don't have anything to complain about I will just let you enjoy the pics and hopefully I will get my camera fixed soon and be able to put a video on.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good week

Well, we are all having a good week. Let us start with ME!!!! I had chemo on Friday and usually by today I am wiped out. I have been taking care and feel great. I decided that what I need to do is take it easy instead of taking advantage of feeling so good the first few days, that I overdo it.

We spoke with the Doctor this week and he is looking at the first week of Dec to get my pet scan. He did say that I will still have to finish my treatments, so we are looking at the end of Jan before I will be finished. I guess I can do that.

So I was the only one dressed up for halloween at chemo. (wouldn't you know) I went as one of the strongest women I could have thought of. Rosie the Riverter. Those women kept America going when they were needed.
Congrats to Obama! I really hope that the country will finally get together and we all start thinking of ourselves as one. The old addage....united we stand, divided we fall.
So have a great week. I plan on it. Going to a wedding this weekend and plan on partyin' down. Maybe I will get a video on this weekend. Stay tuned....hahahaha. Love you all.....