Friday, December 12, 2008

And the results are........

Well, this morning me and Joe and Denise, Caroline and Larry sat in the conference room at Regions Cancer Care center when Dr. Dan Anderson came in. He looked around the room and gave me a hug and shook everyone's hand. A moment of silence and he said...well, I have great news.... Yep I am free and clear of cancer. My pet scan was clean. WE BEAT IT!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Uh let me see, we were happy. (understatement of the year)

So I had a slight fever, so we decided to cancel chemo today and reschedule it for next friday. What that will do is put me back one week, but that is nothing. At least I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, again thank you everyone for all your support and love and prayers. Thank you Lord for being with me during this time and carrying me through it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The day has come

Sorry about long delay in blogging. I have not had a lot of good days. In fact, I think I have had more down days than up. I had a blood transfusion last week because my hemoglobin was very low. 8.5 Whoops! normal range is (i think) 12 - 14

So now the day has come. Monday I will be having my second pet scan. Then we will find out on Friday if I am ALL CLEAR. Oh how cool will that be!!!

Some good news is that my hair has started to grow back. It may only be a fraction of an inch, but when there is nothing there, you look for any amount that you can see.

So Caroline bought Wicked tickets for myself and Denise for our b-days and we all went to see it on Thursday. Oh my goodness, If anyone ever has the chance to see that, please go. It was so so so good.

On Friday, I was feeling good enough to go to a christmas lunch get together with my friend and neighbor Jolin and her 2 friends that I met and instantly became friends with. Thanks Kim and Sandie (and Jolin ) for a great time.

On Saturday I went to our Garden Club christmas luncheon at the Lake Elmo Inn. Carleen came to pick me up and she had her new baby Kallie Josephine with her. Of course, could hardly put her down. It was nice seeing the club members again.
So Friday you may hear a faint sound in the air from here to New York saying ...I'm freeeeee.... Listen closely.
Love you all Thank you so much for all your support and prayers.