Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Anonymous said...

MA - your videos are so adorable! I love them. Just one piece of advice...turn off the tv in the background.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Joyce, you look great, and I'm proud of you that you have the milestones that you accomplish. One step at a time! Soon you'll be back to your normal self. Have fun visiting with your cousin Linda and let her take care of you. You won't be the patient much longer, so try to enjoy it while you can! Kate can give you some pointers on that - she had her own little team of slaves (just ask Lucy!!).

Noel Bouché said...

Aunt Joyce, so glad we can see these videos of you. You look and sound great. As a Guatemalan friend of ours always said, "poco a poco"--or, little by little. Driving is a great milestone and I look forward to hearing about the next one you meet. You are a warrior.

Love, Noel

Anonymous said...

hi joyce;

i am here at mom and dad'S showing them your video. Aunt El is here also. they all say hello and you look great. they love you very very much. hopefully you will be here soon. the time will go
fast. just think a year from now you will be saying, "what if i was just starting"? I say that to tony each year. 24 years now!!
You do look great. I'm sure you and linda will have a great time and we'll be seeing you with diferent hair outfits!!! Have a great day, will be talking to you soon.


Anonymous said...


your video was just great.we should have stayed in minnesota another week i am sending you a package tomarrow 9 friday. hope you will be coming to see us soonlko love and miss you blessings to you and your children and joe have a good time at the wedding. love
and blessings always mom

Anonymous said...

hi joyce
i enjoyed the videoof you very much. You sound good and i hope you feel as well as you sound. I'm glad that Linda will be visiting you soon. Im sure you two will have a great time together. My thoughts and prayers are with you always and I am sure you will be free of cancer soon. I wish I could be there to join in the fun. Anyway, but since you will be coming soon, I'll wait for girls night out. HAPPY DAYS!
so long for now. God Bless and watch over you always. Your loving Aunt (second mom) Eleanor.

Anonymous said...

hi i think on halloween i will be in my neighbor hood so i wont be at kellys i dont think and im probs brining my whole group of friends love soooooooooo much jojo

Anonymous said...

hi joyce its me jordyn um we won our vollyball game today we won the frist two rounds and lost the other one but we still had fun !!!!! love you and we are having a bonfire tonight so if you want to come out well you sure can

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,
I am very proud of your positive attitude and strenght. Obviously this is a tough battle and it can get difficult at times, but you seem to be winning with a big smile. I pray for your complete recovery and healtier days ahead which seems just around the corner dear.
Hang tough

Vanessa Bouché said...

You look absolutely GORGEOUS in your scarfs. I LOVE that look on you. I'm so happy you and my crazy mom had a good time last week. Can't wait to see you after you've beat this thing, with a cute new pixie hairdo. You're the best and I love you so much.

Many blessings,