Sunday, October 19, 2008

Round 3 done

This past Friday was my second treatment in Round three. There is a guy who started with me in the chemo class and our treatments seem to be at the same time, he has hodgekins stage 3 and his doc had a pet scan done last week. Well he had great news, the scan showed no signs of cancer left. He will still finish out his 6 months of treatment in case there are cancer cells to small to be caught on the scan. We were so very happy for him.

So my next treatment will be on Halloween. I am saving my next video for that day. Wait until you see who I dress up as. Hahahahahahaha. I hope I can get it right.

Well, just wanted to touch base with everyone. Hopefully this next week will work for me. Keep me in your prayers. Love you all....Have a wonderful week. We are having some great fall weather. Hope you are too.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Joyce, I'm sure you'll have the same great news shortly that you are FREE of cancer. Can't wait to celebrate with you! You're always in our prayers.

Love and miss you, Francesca

Denise Felitto said...

Great fall weather??!?!? Where are you living?? It's FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're doing a great job MOM! Keep up the good work and the positive attitude!!
You are so loved,

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce, November 14th will be here before you know it, and you will have good news also!! It's such a blessing that it was caught early, and by this time next year you'll be back to your old self with plenty of energy to spare! Love you! Jan

Angela said...


Sorry it's been awhile since I checked in with you. I wish I was closer so I could visit - you lift everyone up with you attitude and wonderful stories on the blog. Know that many people hold you in their hearts and prayers.
