Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I waited to write until the big wedding was over. Our neighbor's daughter had a beautiful day and she looked so beautiful and happy. Here are pics of myself, Joe and Denise and Caroline. We had a great time. Only problem, I dropped my camera in the church and smashed it. I will need to get it fixed so I can get some videos and pics on here.

Now what I wanted to say was how great I felt. I have no idea what was so different last week, but that time was historically not a good time. I would start feeling bad on Tues and go downhill until Friday and then up again on Saturday. Well, I went to the rehersal dinner on Thursday....went shopping on Friday....and was at the wedding all day Saturday. I felt sooooo normal. Cannot wait until I am feeling this way on a daily basis.

So, I guess since I don't have anything to complain about I will just let you enjoy the pics and hopefully I will get my camera fixed soon and be able to put a video on.


Denise Felitto said...

And let me just add....Mom was looking HOT at the wedding! She even danced... no not slow dances.... twisting and shouting!! It was great!
Keep up the good work Mom!
Love you!!

DebC said...

What a beautiful picture of you and your girls! Keep dancing like nobody's watching an singing like nobody's listening, Joy! That's what heaven on Earth is all about!

Glad you're feeling better. I love you much.

Anonymous said...

Joyce, you look more like Denise & Caroline's sister than their mom.

You look awesome!!

Jordyn & Jeannie

Anonymous said...

YOU ALL LOOK AWESOME! But I must say that Joyce, you look fabulous! Keep up with he things your doing because it's working!!

Anonymous said...


Sorry it's been so long since my last message - hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving - and you look fabulous!!! When you were in Utica, you said your husband was also having surgery? How did it go? My husband is having knee replacement surgery this Wednesday - getting older has its challenges!!! Glad to see that you are feeling better. You have a beautiful family and I wish you the best of holidays!!


Anonymous said...

Looking great, Aunt Joyce! My mom will NOT stop talking about coming in February for the knit out. You two will have a ball! Love and miss you!
