Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good week

Well, we are all having a good week. Let us start with ME!!!! I had chemo on Friday and usually by today I am wiped out. I have been taking care and feel great. I decided that what I need to do is take it easy instead of taking advantage of feeling so good the first few days, that I overdo it.

We spoke with the Doctor this week and he is looking at the first week of Dec to get my pet scan. He did say that I will still have to finish my treatments, so we are looking at the end of Jan before I will be finished. I guess I can do that.

So I was the only one dressed up for halloween at chemo. (wouldn't you know) I went as one of the strongest women I could have thought of. Rosie the Riverter. Those women kept America going when they were needed.
Congrats to Obama! I really hope that the country will finally get together and we all start thinking of ourselves as one. The old addage....united we stand, divided we fall.
So have a great week. I plan on it. Going to a wedding this weekend and plan on partyin' down. Maybe I will get a video on this weekend. Stay tuned....hahahaha. Love you all.....


Denise Felitto said...

You are the absolute cutest!
I love you!

Vanessa Bouché said...

I love Rosie! You look amazing and I'm so thankful you're feeling great. Keep up the spirits and know we're all cheering you on to the finish line!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,

I'm glad to hear you're having a better week. This will all be over soon!! Have fun at the wedding this weekend.
Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

Joyce, Your costume is super cute and so perfect for such a strong woman. I'm glad you are having a good week. You will get through this one day at a doubt!!

Love and best wishes to you, Paula Miller

Anonymous said...

love the costume, actually you are the strngest person i know, rosie the riveter has nothing over you!!you look great and when i talk to you i can hear that you are doing great. love you so much and can't wait till this is all over and you are here to spend time with us. have fun at the wedding, ooh aren;t we all waiting to hear that word!!! say hello to the kids.

send us pics of the wedding. meaning you guys!!
love you


Anonymous said...

What a perfect costume, you are adorable and I love your smile. Glad to hear that it was a better week and you should be taking it easy. I am more than willing to send Micah down and he can do any work that you may need done so you can just relax. Thinking of you often.
Love, Missy

Anonymous said...


You are one strong woman. A sense of humor is worth its healing powers! I bet you are empowering all kinds of people that you meet with your great outlook, and flashy knitting needles. Love the picture!

Nina Nelson