Friday, December 12, 2008

And the results are........

Well, this morning me and Joe and Denise, Caroline and Larry sat in the conference room at Regions Cancer Care center when Dr. Dan Anderson came in. He looked around the room and gave me a hug and shook everyone's hand. A moment of silence and he said...well, I have great news.... Yep I am free and clear of cancer. My pet scan was clean. WE BEAT IT!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Uh let me see, we were happy. (understatement of the year)

So I had a slight fever, so we decided to cancel chemo today and reschedule it for next friday. What that will do is put me back one week, but that is nothing. At least I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, again thank you everyone for all your support and love and prayers. Thank you Lord for being with me during this time and carrying me through it.


Anonymous said...

I did hear your whoo-hoo all the way from Minnesota!! I am so HAPPY!!!!(understatement!) We're going to have a party this weekend to celebrate, and you will be there in spirit! I knew you would beat this - Hodge didn't know who he was messin' with!!! I LOVE YOU JOYCE!!!!

Anonymous said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOO! We are all celebrating in Cincinnati and giving thanks for a wonderful report. Love you all!


DebC said...

Again Joy, I knew you'd be just fine. I love you.

Anonymous said...

joyce, its amazing that the cancers gone and we all prayed we love you

the novaks

Anonymous said...

aunt joyce that is great news! praise God. can't wait to see you.

love dominick, steph, and frankie

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Iknew you could do it,you are to great of a person to let this get the best of you. Plus you have to much to do here yet.... Life has just begun. THANK GOD! I am celebrateing with you. Hope to see you soon! Betty an Mike

Anonymous said...

Steve and I just started reading everything on this site. You are so amazing Joyce. You have such a loving family. I want to just hug you and tell you how much you are loved, here in Deerfield.


Anonymous said...

heyy joyce um we love you soooooooooo much and miss you !!!

the novaks

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!!! Here's to health and laughter!!


Anonymous said...


I know I have told you over and over on the phone how great it was hearing the fantastic news! Everyone here in utica is so happy for you and looking forward to seeing you soon. When your hair grows back you just have to have the same hairstyle as the wig. that style looks great on you. Gee wonder what color your hair will be??? You look and sound great. Take care of yourself, don't try to do too much. Looking forward to seeing you. I know this will be a great New Year for you, it already is for us!! Have a great new year celebration. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

All I want to say is that I am thinking about you....


Denise Felitto said...

Well Mom...the day is finally here! Your last chemo treatment!! You have been so brave and strong the last 6 months! We are all so proud of you! You are an inspiration to so many people!I love you so very much!!! You are the greatest mom is the entire world! LOVE YOU!! Nee

Denise Felitto said...

OOps... Greatest mom IN the entire world!! Looks like I should utilize spell-check a little more often! :)

Anonymous said...

hi joyce we have been good and we miss you and love you so much jordyn got gmail you will probably get her email we love you !!!!!!

the Novaks