Sunday, December 7, 2008

The day has come

Sorry about long delay in blogging. I have not had a lot of good days. In fact, I think I have had more down days than up. I had a blood transfusion last week because my hemoglobin was very low. 8.5 Whoops! normal range is (i think) 12 - 14

So now the day has come. Monday I will be having my second pet scan. Then we will find out on Friday if I am ALL CLEAR. Oh how cool will that be!!!

Some good news is that my hair has started to grow back. It may only be a fraction of an inch, but when there is nothing there, you look for any amount that you can see.

So Caroline bought Wicked tickets for myself and Denise for our b-days and we all went to see it on Thursday. Oh my goodness, If anyone ever has the chance to see that, please go. It was so so so good.

On Friday, I was feeling good enough to go to a christmas lunch get together with my friend and neighbor Jolin and her 2 friends that I met and instantly became friends with. Thanks Kim and Sandie (and Jolin ) for a great time.

On Saturday I went to our Garden Club christmas luncheon at the Lake Elmo Inn. Carleen came to pick me up and she had her new baby Kallie Josephine with her. Of course, could hardly put her down. It was nice seeing the club members again.
So Friday you may hear a faint sound in the air from here to New York saying ...I'm freeeeee.... Listen closely.
Love you all Thank you so much for all your support and prayers.


Anonymous said...

hey joyce how are you? i will see you on thursday because on monday you have a pet scan and tuesday i have choir and wensday my dad has to work nights so um i went to my friends bday party and her sister has an ipod touch it is so cool good luck on your pet scan tomorrow happy holidays the novaks

Anonymous said...

You are courageous, uplifting, and gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am sending all the good vibes I have your way and I will be listening for your voice friday.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your words that I have been waiting to read again! I know all will be nice to know that you are out & about, doing fun things! You are with me ALWAYS in my thougts and prayers every day! I can't wait to see you in February!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching for the blog post on Friday regarding your PET Scan. Love you bunches! Cesca

Anonymous said...

We will be saying a prayer for you through the week, and expect to hear your lovely voice screaming from the rooftops on Friday. I know you will hear good things, after all this, you will have some good news.
Nina Nelson

Anonymous said...

Ma - we'll all be with you on Friday (the kids physically and everyone else spiritually). We're looking forward to good news and will deal with whatever the next step is TOGETHER!!!
Love you more than words,

GL Brother said...

Hi Big Sister (chronologically speaking, of course!)

I just want you to know that I am praying for you every chance I get. I have always thought of you as a very strong person. Much stronger than I. But I never really understood how strong you actually are until now. You are amazing and an inspiration to me. I am so proud to call you sister. May God continue to bless you. We look forward to the good news on Friday. And I can't wait to mess with you "mane" when it returns!!!

BTW: GL stands for Good looking..:>)

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,

I'll be saying extra prayers for you this week - and I can't wait to hear your good news on Friday!
Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

By the way, what a cute baby you're holding! That's such a nice picture of you; you're so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you....
