Sunday, November 8, 2009

what's happening

Well, since my Dec post, we have had quite a year. In January, Denise and Eric came over on New Years Eve and announced that they got engaged. On July 4th 2009, they got married. We had a beautiful wedding for them and had a lot of family attend. It was not easy for a lot of family to attend, so we think we may have a small reception this summer in Utica if it works out for Denise and Eric.

My appointements with the oncologist have been uneventful. I have been feeling a lot better. Still need to gain more strength, but I am working on that. BUT my hair is growing back. As soon as it gets a little longer, I am going to get it cut into shape. It is really surprising to me the effect of hair loss had on me. I don't think it was the fact of the loss, but it brought the cancer to the forefront. It was real.

I am very excited to decorate for Christmas this year. Last year we didn't even have a tree. Actually, I cannot believe that we are about 50 days away. YIKES....

Well, I will try to write more frequently and with fewer words. More pictures and maybe videos. That would be fun. Missed everyone and hope to hear from you. Feel free to comment on what is going on in your life. Love to you and have a great week.

1 comment:

Carleen said...

Hi Joyce...I miss seeing you every day :) I'm glad to hear things are going well. Kallie just had her 1st birthday! It's going too fast. Say, "hi" to Anthony for me.