Monday, August 18, 2008

hanging in there

Yesterday was a little harder, but it was expected. I am starting to feel the chemo working on my faster changing cells in my mouth and throat. It is a kind of prickling sensation. They said that would be happening. So now I HAVE to eat ice cream and yogurt. Oh too bad for me, huh?
Any body have any ideas on diet and nutrition? I am open to anything to keep up my staminia.

I was able to get Anthony off to program this morning and keeping things as normal as possible for everyone. This is changing our lives, but it will be for the good. Hopefully, I will keep on top of the fatigue. There is a Gilda Radner Cancer Center in Minneapolis that offers free yoga classes for cancer patients and the families. I think I am going to start those. Can't hurt, right?

Ok, everyone have a great week. Love to you all.....Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I love reading them everyday.


Noel Bouché said...

Aunt Joyce, I have a strong intution that as much of a blessing and inspiration you have been to me to date, it will only increase exponentially as we all follow your treatment and healing. May the tears and smiles we all experience while reading your blog be part of the rain and sunshine that God employs to nurture and grow the seed of your faith and determination. Thank you for your radiance and love.

Vanessa Bouché said...

Have you talked to your doctor/dietician about taking supplements? I read today that the following supplements are important during Hodgkins treatment: beta carotene, selenium, vitamin C, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA or omega-3 fatty acids), vitamin E.

If you can get these through diet rather than supplements, that's the best. Here's a list of foods high in beta carotene: sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, turnip greens, winter squash, collard greens, cilantro, fresh thyme, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce and broccoli.

Foods high in selenium: chicken's eggs, lamb, barley, sunflower seeds, turkey, mustard seeds, and oats.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids: Salmon, flax seeds and walnuts are the best. Very good sources include scallops, cauliflower, cabbage, cloves and mustard seeds. Good sources of these fats include halibut, shrimp, cod, tuna, soybeans, tofu, kale, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts.

Vitamins C & E--these serve as antioxidants in the body. Eating a diet high in vitamin C and E will also have antioxidizing effects. Other foods high in antioxidants: berries, broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, garlic, spinach, tea, carrots, soy, whole grain.

SO, eats lots of salmon, leafy greens, berries, and RAW veggies. Anytime you cook veggies, you're taking away lots of the healthy goodness. Most of these are considered "power foods" as well. Try to avoid refined sugars (green tea with honey, rather than sugar), but indulge in that ice cream when you need a fix!


Jan said...

Hi Joyce,
Samantha has the following suggestions on diet (she's studying Nutritional Sciences at UConn): Make sure to eat breakfast. Try to avoid candy and coffee. Also more frequent, smaller meals would be better than 3 larger meals (takes the body more energy to digest more at a time). Also drink plenty of water.
Eat together: (try not to go more than 4 hours without eating) COMPLEX CARBS (examples: whole wheat, veggies, fruit) gives energy; HEALTHY FATS (are in many things like nuts or oils like olive oil, cheeses. Helps sustain energy at a steady blood sugar level; LEAN PROTEIN, things like chicken, nuts. also helps sustain energy and keeps blood sugar levels steady; FIBER - gives energy and keeps steady blood sugar levels. Some good sources: bran, peas, kidney beans, broccoli, whole wheat bread/pasta, popcorn, oranges, almonds, brown rice. Getting more fiber is very important. Good snacks would be fruit, yogurt, nuts, wheat crackers and cheese. Avoid refined sugars, which will give you a quick burst of energy but drain you later.
These are Samantha's suggestions; I would just eat chocolate bars :-)
Love, Jan

betty said...

Joyce, Hang in there! You are doing great!You are in my thouhts and prayers! Remember, take time for yourself daily. Do something you really enjoy everyday and forget about everything else at that time. I send you all of my PMA and my prayers.
Love you!