Saturday, August 16, 2008

So Far So Good

Things are going well. My next treatment will be in 2 weeks. They say I will start to slow down once I finish taking the antinausea meds and that will be on Sunday. So Monday I might crash and sleep all day. Ok, I guess we would all like to do that at least once....then my stamina should start back. Although I am trying to eat well and keep up my normal activity.
Thanks to everyone who has sent thier well wishes. I am now looking into chemo hats and wigs and scarves so I will be prepared in case I lose my crowning glory. Some people say that it will grow back maybe a differnt color, or curly. I think it may come back GRAY.... Oh well. I will try to take some pics of my new look.
If anyone has any ideas for caps or scarves or wigs, let me know. You know this can be fun. See ya tomorrow. Love you all........Life is good.

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