Sunday, September 28, 2008

not very flattering

So, just wanted to apologize for the not so flattering video that I posted yesterday. Talk about not being focused!! I guess you have to agree I do have a sense of humor. Who ever in their right mind would put a pix/video on a blog that LOTS of people look at, looking like death warmed over. yeeeessshhh! now you know I wasn't totally there. But what I said was from my heart. I do appreciate all of your comments, cards, letters and support. And I do love you all for it. I keep all of you in MY prayers and thoughts. Thank you. My next video will be better. Have a great day....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not a great week

Today is the first day I have been focused enough to write. This past week has not been the greatest. I was ok on Sat and Sunday, but Monday started to bring me down. I have been feeling very fatigued and the nurse Amy, said that it is like when I started chemo they put a backpack on me and every time I go for a treatment, they add ten pounds to that pack. So I need to prepare myself for that. I walk upstairs and get very tired. It is the weirdest feeling to me and most of you know that I am not the type of person to just sit around. I get so frustrated that I cannot do the normal daily things that I want to do. I guess I need to start depending on people to help me. My kids keep telling me that, but it is really hard when you are the one that has been the person people depend on.

Friday, September 19, 2008

begin round 2

Caroline came with me today and she learned how to knit. Here is a picture of her knitting. My kids are remarkable people. She took a day off work to come with me and Larry wants to come with me next time. I wonder if he wants to learn to knit. hehehehe.

Today I started my 2nd round of chemo. When we complete round 3, 6 treatments, I think they will do another pet scan and how cool would it be if they say...Ok go home and don't come back...Well, maybe not, but I really think they think it should take no more than 6 rounds. We will take it one treatment... at a time.

I am feeling good and will have a shot of neulasta tomorrow. Then by Wed I will be myself again.

Have a great day and talk with you soon. Love to all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

So long Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad left on Tuesday to go back to New York. It was so great having them here. I wish I could have kept them here longer. They were so much help. Especially when I was down and out those few days.

Tomorrow is my next treatment. Caroline is coming with me. I will write more tomorrow.

Have a great day.....Love to all.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Raquel Welch eat your heart out.....

Your hair looks better on me.........hahaha

Ok, so ...Aint no stopping me now.... Here is my new wig. My new look. I went to the American Cancer Society and they have a program that supplies people who are going through chemo and losing their hair with a free wig. They will also give you 3 free scarves or hats. The people there were just adorable and so compassionate. It was quite an experience.

I am feeling really well now. I think I have this side effect thing under control. After chemo , 2 days of high, then 3 days of fatigue and icky feeling. (look that up in the medical dictionary) Then I am on the way up. Today we took my Dad bowling and I actually bowled 3 frames got 2 strikes and a spare. OH YEAH!!!!!

Everyone have a great day and love you all........Talk with you soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

reality check

Last night I went into wash my hair in the tub and this is what came out in one washing. Talk about reality hitting like a brick wall. But you know, surprisingly enough it doesn't really bother me. It is just superficial and I can honestly say I have never been a superficial person. ( I love me who do you love! hahaha)

But boy do I look cute with my bandana. Be back soon. Love you all.. Pictures to come soon.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

to all who are awaiting

Yesterday was the second part of my first round of chemo. My bloodwork came back ok, so they loaded me up. Actually, I am waiting to see when we won't have to use a nightlight anymore. I should be glowing soon. (only kidding) Anyway, things went really well and today I had to go to the hospital to get my shot of neulasta. They are going to give this to me after each chemo treatment, to help build the white blood cells in the marrow. The shot didn't hurt, it was when she was pushing the meds in that burned like heck.
I feel great, and hope that my next 2 weeks will not be like the last time. I am taking a lot of precautions..
I am getting prepared for the hair fallout. I went to buy some scarves (bandana style) and I am making some caps to sleep in so the hair doesn't get all over. I was looking at the picture I took at my first treatment, and it is very noticeable how much hair is gone. I will take another picture soon.
Joe was laughing at me tonight. I had my bandana on, yoga pants and ipod in my ears and I was dancing to Miley Cyrus Hannah Montana music, while I was taking care of Anthony. I guess I was a picture to be seen.
Well, everyone have a great week. I hope I can write more this week and I am feeling good. Love You all....Thank you so much for your support. It really means a lot to me.