Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not a great week

Today is the first day I have been focused enough to write. This past week has not been the greatest. I was ok on Sat and Sunday, but Monday started to bring me down. I have been feeling very fatigued and the nurse Amy, said that it is like when I started chemo they put a backpack on me and every time I go for a treatment, they add ten pounds to that pack. So I need to prepare myself for that. I walk upstairs and get very tired. It is the weirdest feeling to me and most of you know that I am not the type of person to just sit around. I get so frustrated that I cannot do the normal daily things that I want to do. I guess I need to start depending on people to help me. My kids keep telling me that, but it is really hard when you are the one that has been the person people depend on.


Karyn said...

Love the wig - go, Raquel! :-)
Thinking of you and praying for you! Hope to visit soon. Karyn

Anonymous said...

Aw that video was great!!! What an awesome idea. Hope that things get better and go by quickly! Take Care! Love you!

DebC said...

Hey Joy,

First of all, I love you.

Second of all, you said:
" I guess I need to start depending on people to help me. My kids keep telling me that, but it is really hard when you are the one that has been the person people depend on."

Instead of seeing it as "depending on people," why not call it "letting people feel some of the same love I feel when I love them?" You know, that whole "circle of life" thing?

I know the deep, "lovin' feelin'" you get in taking care of everybody. It shows on your face, I can hear it in your voice, I see it in all the loving, thoughtful ways you do what you do for the people you care about. But really now, isn't it only fair that they get to feel the same way too?

Now I know you're not the greedy type, so just consider it yet another wonderful, loving gift you can give us and - sit the he$$ down when you're tired so we can get that "lovin' feelin'" too! ;-)

There are plenty people standing in line, including yours truly, to receive that particular gift from you Joy.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce:

The videos are great. Glad to see you are doing well. I will bring my computer to show mom and dad your video. Maybe mom will write something. So looking orward to you coming back or some R&R after your treatments are done. I'm planning on having a "girls night out" but it will be at home.

god bles

love you
