Tuesday, September 9, 2008

reality check

Last night I went into wash my hair in the tub and this is what came out in one washing. Talk about reality hitting like a brick wall. But you know, surprisingly enough it doesn't really bother me. It is just superficial and I can honestly say I have never been a superficial person. ( I love me who do you love! hahaha)

But boy do I look cute with my bandana. Be back soon. Love you all.. Pictures to come soon.


Anonymous said...

Sent you a note at your e-mail address. I am new to blogs.....yours is my first....you are such a tech gal!! I have been following your story and progress but just now figured out how to talk to you through this darn thing!!

Love you more than you know.....

Anonymous said...

I just know you look super cute in a bandana. I am definitely keeping my eyes open for some nice scarves and hats. I have a few that I have been saving and I think I found the perfect person for them. :) Missy

Jan said...

Hi Joyce,

With your beautiful face you do not need hair! You are beautiful, inside and out!!

Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce-
As a veteran of the hair loss deal, I can tell you that wearing a sleep cap is a GREAT idea! Nothing worse than waking up to hair in your mouth. I check in with Denise about your progress, and it sounds like you are handling things like a champion (which all survivors are). Keep the faith and keep on laughing!
Maureen from St. Matt's

Anonymous said...

Hey, Aunt Joyce! Thanks so much for the updates. You continue to be an inspiration to us all. Hope you're feeling the prayers from Cincinnati for quick healing, strength and endurance. Love you!

Matt and Francesca

Anonymous said...

hi joyce

Anonymous said...


first thanks for getting me on this blog, hope i remember how to use it!! just want to say you are MY HERO!! I hate to admit it but I could never go through what you go through. I'm not as strong. The smallest of problems drives me nuts!! I am sending you a package, I'm not going to tel you what it is but I'm sure you'll laugh!! A few more days and mom & dad will be home, I can't wait. You'll hae to come back home soon to spend time with them again!! Hope you'll be here soon!!

Love & prayers,


DebC said...

Hi Joy!

Sorry I've not been commenting, but I have been reading! Just wanted to tell you I love you so much! I knew, despite the ups and downs of getting better, you'd still be laughing, joking and thinking about all of us instead of yourself! I tell you, the Creator broke the mold when you rolled off that assembly line! You are in my thoughts and prayers always and I promise to do better keeping in touch!

Anonymous said...

Joyce, I havn't forgotten about you. In fact I have been thinking of you daily but I just cannot get with this internet thing to get a message to you. Denise was over on Sunday and filled me in on what the Dr. said. I know that the extended time is depressing but the good thing is that it sounds like it is doing a job. Hang in there and keep positive. You are stronger than the cancer.... Keep on ! You are the greatest! You have climbed mountain in your life and came out on top. Now it is just another mountain with a fog that you cannot see where the top is... My strengh is with you! You can do it! Love you, Betty