Saturday, November 21, 2009

need something

Ok..So everyone knows that I work from home. Well, I feel like I need to get out at least one day a week . I have all the paperwork in to be a volunteer for PAI which would be perfect for me. So I talked with the director, and I am going in every Wed. Now I have a reason to get up and get out. I am looking forward to doing that. I have also decided to join the Stillwater Senior Citizen Center. Maybe I can do something there one day a week.
It is very interesting. People think it is so great not to have to go to work outside the home every day. Well it isn't all it sounds like. I do enjoy being able to do what I want to do, but I would like to have somewhere to go everyday. Hope this volunteer thing works out. I am going to volunteer for Winter Carnival this year.
This weekend is Rylie Barilla's baptism. I will try to get some pics and show you what a cutie she is.
My granddaughter Kelyn got her braces off today. She looks so beautiful.
I am making some cute Christmas ornaments. Knitting. Will take pics of those things too.
So have a great Thanksgiving if I don't get to write this week. Talk soon.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hi Joyce,

I'm glad everything is going well, and volunteering once a week will be great for you. I understand it's hard to be home every day - when I first stayed home, after Sam was born, I used to go stir crazy! I need the structure of getting up and going into work every day. So I hope volunteering once a week, and possibly more at the Senior Citizen's Center, will fill that void.

I'm glad your doctor visits continue to be uneventful. And I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Love you,
