Thursday, August 14, 2008

First day of treatment

Check out my chemo is from Life is Good company. That is what it says and life IS good.
this week has been a whirlwind.
Monday I had my chemo class...There was another man in the class that was just diagnosed with hodgkins. He is in stage 3. That means it is above and below his diaphragm. (I think I spelled it right. If not, I hope my medical terminology prof won't read this blog...hehehe)

Tuesday I had day surgery with the port implant...It is called a smart port ct. It is a power injectable port that enables the nurse to draw blood specimens and administer the chemo drugs through a port implanted in my chest. This way they don't have to damage my veins in my arms or hands. hey...fine by me..!!!!!If interested, you might be able to find more info on the

Wed Joe had surgery on his foot....He is doing well, and we think he will have a speedy recovery. It seems like we turned 50 and started to fall apart. It was funny, the nurses in the day surgery center saw us come in and remembered me from the day before. They just shook their heads and laughed.

Today I had my first chemo treatment...
I am going to SLEEP tomorrow.
Actually, today went really well.Denise came with me (thanks sweetie )and we did a lot of laughing. I don't seem to have any of the side effects that they talked about. Maybe I am jinxing myself, but I feel great. One woman said she could not believe I had my first treatment today, that I looked like I just got back from a shopping trip. That made me feel good. I went shopping for some groceries that would boost me during my treatments. (found a few naughty treats too...hey, I deserve a bag of chips)
They gave me antinausea meds and a steriod (hey Vanessa, maybe I will get those buff arms you are always talking about hahaha) Anyway, I have all this energy and I don't know if I will be falling asleep very soon. Well, this house needs to be cleaned. Let's see, it is ten thirty pm...I should be done by 2 AM.
So that is what is going on and thank you everyone so much for your prayers. I have so many people invading the heavens for me.


David said...

Hi, I am David, Joyce's twin brother. Joyce, you are an amazing person and you know my spirit is with you. What a great picture of you and mom and this blog will definitely serve to get you through the treatment. I know that everything will turn out perfectly and you will come out of this a stronger and more beautiful person. Plus you got to come down to FLA for a visit. I have no problem inviting folks down to FLA to visit. In fact, any family members from Minnysota to Ohio to New York to Connecticut to Thailand to Texas can come on down and visit Uncle David! I'll be posting comments until you have beaten this thing! I love you so much and thank God that he gave me such a great sister. See ya Big Sis!

Matt and Francesca said...

Hey, Aunt Joyce! This blog is a great idea and will help those far away travel this journey with you. Wish I could have seen you in NY for the surprise anniversary party but my mom said you are doing great. You are an inspiration to so many and have touched the hearts of countless people. Please know we're praying for you...and love you so much.

Anonymous said...

Hey mommy -
You are so adorable! I realized today that the "hodge" just wants what we all be with you! Let's make his visit a short one. I love you and will laugh with (and probably some about :-) you throughout this treatment.
You are the greatest person I know. Love you, Care

Anonymous said...

Dear Joyce,
First off let me say that I absolutely love the picture of you and your Mom, you look FANTASTIC!!! You know that you are always in my heart and prayers, Hodge or no hodge. I was not surprised to see your smiling face for your first chemo treatment, this is the SAME smile I have always seen on your face and I know that you will come thru this even more beautiful both inside and out. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all and for being such an amazing woman who I am proud to call my sister. Love You bunches and if my brother gets outta line give him a kick from me :P On your way to David's stop in and see us!! Stay strong!

Vanessa Bouché said...

I cannot stop crying. You are the most incredible woman ever to grace this earth. I want to be like you when I grow up, and I'm totally serious. I love you so much and will be interceding in prayer for you every single day.