Sunday, August 31, 2008

another week down....

Good labor day to everyone. Well, last week was a whirlwind. Mom and Dad came out to spend some time with me. We have been on the move almost every day. I haven't been able to update, so here is the scoop.
Thursday was supposed to be the second part of my first treatment. I have been feeling great, but when they did the blood tests, my PMN bands, were too low. So THEY REJECTED ME!!! When the Doctor told me they could not give me a treatment, I got very wide eyed. He said it was not unusual for this to happen within the first 3 treatments. Then I spoke with someone whose husband is going through chemo and she said it happened to him also. So I am going to just go with it.
They wanted me to wait a week, and go in on Friday. After that chemo, they are going to give me a shot of Newlast. (i think i spelled it right) It should boost my blood for the next treatment. Just a little setback, but I think it should be fine.
The only thing that bothered me this week were pains in the back of my calves. Not sure if it is due to my arthritis, or chemo side effects. Not too bad though. When I woke this morning, there was hair on my pillow. Think the crowning glory is starting to thin. So, I went through some scarves that my brother brought back from Afghanistan for me last year. I started to wrap my head and actually they looked cute. My cousin sent me a really cute fuzzy hat and she has some great ideas for hair and hats. I think we can have some fun with this.
On a serious note, it does knock you for a loop when you see that. But I guess, like this whole thing, it is how you handle it. I like to laugh, so........
Well, I will try to keep this updated. Oh, I did talk to Dr Anderson about what happened last week. He agreed that it could have been handled better. We are going to work on that.
Everyone have a great week and pray for people in wake of Gustav.


Anonymous said...

MA -
No worries about losing your hair. You would make a hot couple with any of these baldies:
- Bruce Willis
- Michael Jordan
- Andre Agassi
- Taye Diggs
- Chris Daughtry
- Ed Harris
Plus, I heard Denise say she'd shave her head, if it'd make you feel better about losing yours. This could be pretty funny. Let's get her to shave her head and then make fun of her!!!
Love you w/ or w/o the Hodge,

Anonymous said...

Joyce, it was good to see you at the store the other day (smiling as always)! My family and I are praying for you. P.S. Caroline, I love Ed Harris, good pick! Christina E

Angela said...

Joyce, How can you be anything but beautiful no matter what the situation?! Enjoy your time with your parents - keep your spirts up and keep on "blogging" when you can. Angela