Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ok, you want to be a part of this

So, I knew I would have some bad days. Yesterday was one of those. I just cannot seem to get to sleep at night. I can nap during the day, but at night I am just restless. VERY weird dreams. You don' t want to know.
I have so many ideas for nutrition. I have lost about 7 lbs in a week, ( not really complaining ), but I want to keep up my strength.
I think I am going to join a support group. There is one that meets once a week with a psychologist and cancer survivor that is there to answer these questions that you hate bothering the doctors about.
I do want to say that my husband has been so good during this so far. I feel so bad about dropping so much in his lap, but he has been very supportive. Love you Joe!
My kids, what would I do without them. Love you guys.
Well, I hope today goes better. I am still weak, but I am hoping I will get stronger. I don' t have treatment until a week from tomorrow. I am not sure if my side effects will get worse with each treatment. Maybe not. Maybe the 2 week time is supposed to build me up. We will see.

Just a thought.....pray for those poor people in that air crash in Spain and thier families.
Have a blessed day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,
The support group sounds like a very good idea. And don't worry about leaning on people -- you've always been so unselfish, but now it's time to take care of yourself! Pamper yourself and take care of yourself, and soon you will have beat this stupid Hodgekin's!! The Hodge doesn't know who he's messing with!!!!
Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

Hey Joyce, I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you every day and was so glad to see you last week. So, I am frequently up all night long and chatting away on yahoo, instead of working j/k, and would love to hear from you, Ok, I love you and know you are kicking butt. Missy

Vanessa Bouché said...

You're going to get through this with shining colors, Aunt Joyce! I totally agree with Aunt Janice...this is time for you to think of YOU and take care of YOU! Nevermind everyone else. They're HAPPY to finally be able to return the favor and serve you. We're praying for you! Strength, endurance, stamina, perseverance, and restful, peaceful sleep. I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mommy -
Don't worry about us and Joe. You have always done so much for us...I think we can return the favor for a little bit. When you're feeling better we'll go back to expecting the following:
1) dinner - from scratch every night and if we have plans we probably won't get time to cancel, so make it anyway.
2) money - whenever needed. I once heard Joe talk about a tree in the back that money grows on. I don't remember the specifics because I wasn't really listening, but ask him if you're confused.
3) sewing - by the time chemo is over, we'll likely have a pile of pants which need hems, etc.
4) arts & crafts - i'm sure Denise will need something for her classroom and someone else will expect a scrapbook or similar.
5) Bebe-sitting - Bebe will need to sleep at her grandma's house while I'm on biz trips or vacationing.
6) errands - this includes, but is not limited to, picking something up at Sam's club; making food for a party we're planning....that you're probably not invited to; dropping stuff off at the cleaners; buying us something random that we once mentioned would be "nice to have".
It should be noted this list is not fully complete and will likely be revised several times.

For those reading this that may not understand my's really too late to explain. Just know that my wonderful mother has actually done all of the above for her children - usually without much prompting.
So you see mom, it's time we start paying forward what we've been so blessed to receive all these years.
I love you. Now stop cooking and go rest!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,
Jim and I just want to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I admire how positive you are. YOU WILL BEAT THIS DARN THING!!
I was reading the advice from someone that was telling you the good food you should eat. I have written it all down, and really need to start eating healthier myself. I just love the ole junk food, just as though I were 15 again. Hang in there and take very good care of yourself. Love the picture of your mom and you. Beautiful!!!! Keep in touch. Love, Jim and Connie Carlson
(Eric's aunt and uncle from Ottumwa IA)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to remind you that you've got a Brooklyn cheering section, too! I'm praying for you every day. I hope you're feeling well and that your spirits are high.

Love and miss you,

Anonymous said...

Joyce, you are amazing. You took the time out to write on my blog yesterday and I know the kind of day you had:( yesterday.
After reading your blog, it is no suprise to me you have beautiful people surrounding you. It does my heart good knowing you are so loved.
You know those of us at PAI "want to be a part of this", so let us do for you what you have done for so many others. If you need ANYTHING call. You are in my prayers.
Love ya!