Sunday, August 24, 2008

What a mess!

So sorry to my faithful viewers. I have not been in a capacity to write anything since Wed.

I was having some digestive problems and have been down and out most of the time in bed. They did say it was going to be a "side effect", but talk about SIDE EFFECT. Now let me elaborate on that. When we were in class and the first day of treatment, they were very helpful in telling me that if you feel this, then do this. Yeah, I am not so sure that being that general is such a good thing. It seemed like I just kept putting a pill over a pill. I cannot imagine my stomach feeling good about that. I went to the ER on Friday and spent the whole day there. Now they were very deliberate and did just what the book said. I was seen by a physicians assistant, being overseen by a dr. (uh DOOGIE HOUSER) Anyway they gave me morphine for the pain and chest xray and cat scan. Found out that there was no obstruction. Good thing. Then they sent in a nurses aid, with a bucket of soapy water. Most of us know what that is for.
Then they sent me home. They never gave me any fluids, which I would think that would be one of the first things they do. In case I was dehydrated.
Needless to say, I came home and nursed myself and am feeling a lot better today.

I am a little distressed at the lack of formal protocal when dealing with a newly diagnosed cancer patient. I think they assume that we know what questions to ask. I had to deal with 3 different aftercare nurses who weren't even associated with the Regions Cancer Care Center and most likely were rolling thier eyes while I was trying to describe what I was looking for, in the meantime giving them my medical history. I don't know, I am going to do some more research on this subject. Especially, if I am going to continue with this Center.

I have been fighting the medical and social system for 25 years, and although I just love my doctor, they really don't know who they are dealing with. I am going to get this straightened out for me and the next person in my position.

Ok, I am on a mission to clean up this mess. Stay tuned!!!!!!


Vanessa Bouché said...

They clearly don't know who they're dealing with...and, no, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Grandmama and Grandpapa, especially Caroline.

I was LAUGHING reading her comment on the previous post. Ok, we've all been saying this for years, but seriously, Care, when are you moving into comedy?

An Irish proverb states, "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." So I recommend having Caroline over on a regular basis and getting good, restful slumber (for which I've been praying). I LOVE YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

MA -
So loved your graphic post, however you left out that you fight doctor's (and your children's) orders to drink water. Those that may not know, my mother HATES water. If it didn't come out of a can marked canada dry, she's not drinking it. Denise and I had to sit her up and convince her to sip Aquafina(i.e., "just drink until the count of 3" or "drink to the bevel in the glass" or "denise will get engaged if you just drink that darn water").
Anyway, glad you're feeling better and you looked good last night.

Vanessa - thanks for the nice compliment. I spent most of last evening in bed with mom and we were cracking up. So I'm hoping the laughter works. It's my own personal brand of chemo!!
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad, Joyce. I'm with you - i HATE drinking water! I use that crystal light stuff, helps a little. If it's not thick and chocolate, forget it! And you're right - they don't know who they're dealing with! I had to laugh reading your blog - now we know where Caroline gets her spunk! And Caroline, you seriously should right a column - like Erma Bombeck with an edge....

Anonymous said...

Joyce, so sorry to hear you have been having so much discomfort. From reading Carolines comments; I liked what she said, if you drink the water, Denise will get engaged!!!!! Go for it. I want Denise to get engaged to Eric so darn bad. And I want them to get married so darn bad. And I want them to have little babies so darn bad. I drink four bottles of water on a daily basis. Don't really know what it's doing for me, but I drink it. I hope you are feeling much better today. PLEASE hang in there. Our prayers are with you all. Love, Connie Carlson

Denise Felitto said...

Hi Mom!
I just remembered that my friend Maureen, who is a cancer survivor, said to tell you to tell the nurses to slow down your anti-nausea drip at your next treatment. That should help with the woozy, weird feeling you had last time. I didn't want to forget to tell you.
Love you - You'd better be drinking some water while you're reading this! Apparently my future as a spinster depends on it. Nee

Angela said...

Hi Joyce,

Sorry it took me so long to comment. Being the anti-technogeek, I had to set up an account, etc.

Sorry that this is not going as smooth as we had talked about when we saw each other in Utica. However, the blog may turn into a book as you are funny and wonderful and can help so many with your knowledge and fighting spirit as you navigate through the crazy health care system we have here in the US. Take care of yourself and get better very soon - we talked about a road trip when all of this is over and I really want to make this happen!!! Love ya, Angela