Sunday, September 28, 2008

not very flattering

So, just wanted to apologize for the not so flattering video that I posted yesterday. Talk about not being focused!! I guess you have to agree I do have a sense of humor. Who ever in their right mind would put a pix/video on a blog that LOTS of people look at, looking like death warmed over. yeeeessshhh! now you know I wasn't totally there. But what I said was from my heart. I do appreciate all of your comments, cards, letters and support. And I do love you all for it. I keep all of you in MY prayers and thoughts. Thank you. My next video will be better. Have a great day....


Anonymous said...

I found not too much to apologize for in the video. You were tired and checking in, and that's that.

Love always,

Denise Felitto said...

Hi Mom,
I think video is a great idea for your blog! Then everyone gets to see you on your road to recovery! And you should never apologize for being you. You are wonderful and beautiful and strong and the best mom anyone could ever have. Keep holding on...this whole yucky process will be over soon. We are all here to support you and do whatever we can to make this a little easier. I love you very much!!

Anonymous said...

Joyce, Thank you for posting a video! I miss you so much and it really felt like you were talking to me. The phone and email are not the same as seeing someone face to face. And you look beautiful in your video! You have a beautiful face and nothing can change that. Nobody expects you to be wearing diamonds and pearls; just being yourself is perfect!
Love, Jan

Anonymous said...

Apologize?? Joy, you REALLY have a sense of humor. That video was so great and showed us all just what an amazing, inspirational person you are - even though we knew it already :) I totally agree with Denise. YOU are the best and should never apologize for being who you are. We all love you and support you and will also be there to celebrate with you when this "yucky process" is over.

I love you, love you, love you.


Angela said...


Just catching up on your blog. Your wig photo was beautiful and it was good to hear your voice on the video. I wish I lived closer so I could visit you in person. What a great family and friends you have surrounding you!!! Know that you are loved and thought about.

Take care - Angela

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I guess I should just add to what everyone else has already said. There's no need for an apology for the video! I thought it was great and comforting to hear your voice. No apologies necessary, EVER!!
Love ya,