Saturday, September 6, 2008

to all who are awaiting

Yesterday was the second part of my first round of chemo. My bloodwork came back ok, so they loaded me up. Actually, I am waiting to see when we won't have to use a nightlight anymore. I should be glowing soon. (only kidding) Anyway, things went really well and today I had to go to the hospital to get my shot of neulasta. They are going to give this to me after each chemo treatment, to help build the white blood cells in the marrow. The shot didn't hurt, it was when she was pushing the meds in that burned like heck.
I feel great, and hope that my next 2 weeks will not be like the last time. I am taking a lot of precautions..
I am getting prepared for the hair fallout. I went to buy some scarves (bandana style) and I am making some caps to sleep in so the hair doesn't get all over. I was looking at the picture I took at my first treatment, and it is very noticeable how much hair is gone. I will take another picture soon.
Joe was laughing at me tonight. I had my bandana on, yoga pants and ipod in my ears and I was dancing to Miley Cyrus Hannah Montana music, while I was taking care of Anthony. I guess I was a picture to be seen.
Well, everyone have a great week. I hope I can write more this week and I am feeling good. Love You all....Thank you so much for your support. It really means a lot to me.


Denise Felitto said...

You are beautiful inside and out, with or without hair. It isn't what we put on us, what we wear, or what we look like that defines us. You are an amazing, strong woman who doesn't need hair to be beautiful! Besides, hair is overrated...ask Uncle Tony. I love you. Nee

Anonymous said...

Joyce, Now that it's getting cold out hats are in! You can always borrow my red hat. Remember Singred O'conner when she shaved her head years ago. I think she was one of the first womenen that intentionally shaved her head. It was a statement for her that said she was who she was no matter what. (She was a singer) You are one of the greatest so lets see your fashion statements ! Hang in there ! Hair fact.. It grows back thicker and curlier than it ever was. For me that would be great , for you , I don't know if it could get any thicker but curlly would be different. Thinking and praying for you everyday, Betty and Mike

Jan said...

This comment is a little late, but to Caroline......Denise can't shave her hair off. She needs something to hold her wedding veil on!
Joyce - I'm sure this time will be better. Things should get easier as you go along. And don't worry about your hair - i see so many women with scarves that nobody even notices anymore. You will look super cool - you will start a new fad! People will be shaving off their hair to copy you! (except Denise, and we know why she needs her hair!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mommy -
You're the greatest person I know. Even while you're washing your hair (and it is falling out in clumps), you're still more concerned with whether or not we feel bad. I will never know a stronger woman in my life. You have always been and always will be the inspiration in your children's lives. Love you lots....and jokes this time :-)

Vanessa Bouché said...

Hi Aunt Joyce-
Sending all my love today! You are truly an inspired woman (except for your choice of music--Hannah Montana?? Someone get her some other tunes for pity sake!)
I love you, love you, love you!