Tuesday, March 23, 2010

let's start living

I went to the Dr. last Friday and he gave me the good news that the CT scan had no changes and I am clear. It is unbelieveable how not knowing for sure can be so upsetting. Anyway, he said that with my Hodgkins, I am a very low risk of it coming back. That I had never heard before and it made me so comfortable.

So now I have some living to do. I was quite overwhelmed last year around this time just getting ready for a wedding, so I didn't have time to really look at my life and make some changes. Joe and I have started a change of life program. We are starting to eat well and now that the weather is getting better, we want to start an outdoor exercise program. Walking...gardening...etc. Being locked up in this house all winter is getting it's toll on me. (although, i have done some major cleanout). If we can get a good year of doing this it should become a habit and keep us healthy.

Hello sunshine....I am going to enjoy the day today.


Denise Jameson said...

You are so cute.
I love you!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how strange it is that almost once a year I peek in to see this site and you have just written. We have some kind of karma going here I think!!

Keep on staying well and happy. I love hearing about living!!


Jan said...

Hi Joyce,

I just happened into your site and loved your last post! I'm glad the Hoge is in your rear-view mirror and you're going full speed ahead. I admire your life changes - trying to do the same myself. Looking forward to a wonderful summer, especially seeing you again!!
Love, Jan