Friday, December 12, 2008

And the results are........

Well, this morning me and Joe and Denise, Caroline and Larry sat in the conference room at Regions Cancer Care center when Dr. Dan Anderson came in. He looked around the room and gave me a hug and shook everyone's hand. A moment of silence and he said...well, I have great news.... Yep I am free and clear of cancer. My pet scan was clean. WE BEAT IT!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Uh let me see, we were happy. (understatement of the year)

So I had a slight fever, so we decided to cancel chemo today and reschedule it for next friday. What that will do is put me back one week, but that is nothing. At least I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, again thank you everyone for all your support and love and prayers. Thank you Lord for being with me during this time and carrying me through it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The day has come

Sorry about long delay in blogging. I have not had a lot of good days. In fact, I think I have had more down days than up. I had a blood transfusion last week because my hemoglobin was very low. 8.5 Whoops! normal range is (i think) 12 - 14

So now the day has come. Monday I will be having my second pet scan. Then we will find out on Friday if I am ALL CLEAR. Oh how cool will that be!!!

Some good news is that my hair has started to grow back. It may only be a fraction of an inch, but when there is nothing there, you look for any amount that you can see.

So Caroline bought Wicked tickets for myself and Denise for our b-days and we all went to see it on Thursday. Oh my goodness, If anyone ever has the chance to see that, please go. It was so so so good.

On Friday, I was feeling good enough to go to a christmas lunch get together with my friend and neighbor Jolin and her 2 friends that I met and instantly became friends with. Thanks Kim and Sandie (and Jolin ) for a great time.

On Saturday I went to our Garden Club christmas luncheon at the Lake Elmo Inn. Carleen came to pick me up and she had her new baby Kallie Josephine with her. Of course, could hardly put her down. It was nice seeing the club members again.
So Friday you may hear a faint sound in the air from here to New York saying ...I'm freeeeee.... Listen closely.
Love you all Thank you so much for all your support and prayers.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I waited to write until the big wedding was over. Our neighbor's daughter had a beautiful day and she looked so beautiful and happy. Here are pics of myself, Joe and Denise and Caroline. We had a great time. Only problem, I dropped my camera in the church and smashed it. I will need to get it fixed so I can get some videos and pics on here.

Now what I wanted to say was how great I felt. I have no idea what was so different last week, but that time was historically not a good time. I would start feeling bad on Tues and go downhill until Friday and then up again on Saturday. Well, I went to the rehersal dinner on Thursday....went shopping on Friday....and was at the wedding all day Saturday. I felt sooooo normal. Cannot wait until I am feeling this way on a daily basis.

So, I guess since I don't have anything to complain about I will just let you enjoy the pics and hopefully I will get my camera fixed soon and be able to put a video on.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good week

Well, we are all having a good week. Let us start with ME!!!! I had chemo on Friday and usually by today I am wiped out. I have been taking care and feel great. I decided that what I need to do is take it easy instead of taking advantage of feeling so good the first few days, that I overdo it.

We spoke with the Doctor this week and he is looking at the first week of Dec to get my pet scan. He did say that I will still have to finish my treatments, so we are looking at the end of Jan before I will be finished. I guess I can do that.

So I was the only one dressed up for halloween at chemo. (wouldn't you know) I went as one of the strongest women I could have thought of. Rosie the Riverter. Those women kept America going when they were needed.
Congrats to Obama! I really hope that the country will finally get together and we all start thinking of ourselves as one. The old addage....united we stand, divided we fall.
So have a great week. I plan on it. Going to a wedding this weekend and plan on partyin' down. Maybe I will get a video on this weekend. Stay tuned....hahahaha. Love you all.....

Monday, October 27, 2008

not a good week

This week has been an awful week. I was down and out on Wed, Thurs, Fri and part of Saturday. Usually I have one or maybe two days that are bad, but this week was the worst.
I was very fatigued and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I look around and get very frustrated when I see the floor needs sweeping , or the windows need washing. I love fall and decorating for halloween and thanksgiving, and I don't even have the energy to do that. So that added to the emotional effect of this terrible time. Combined with not being able to get out of bed or not being able to just sit at the table for very long, it was torture. I know in my head that hopefully this will all be over soon, but when you are right in the middle of the situation it seems so distant. I just cannot wait to be able to do things, everyday things, again.
Wow, what a dismal blog. We have a new Dunn Bros Coffee shop that opened up down the street, I think, since I am feeling better today, I should treat myself. So I will pick up my knitting project, sit in front of their fireplace, have a cup of coffee and escape for a couple of hours. Yeah, that sounds good. Have a great day everyone. Talk with you soon.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Round 3 done

This past Friday was my second treatment in Round three. There is a guy who started with me in the chemo class and our treatments seem to be at the same time, he has hodgekins stage 3 and his doc had a pet scan done last week. Well he had great news, the scan showed no signs of cancer left. He will still finish out his 6 months of treatment in case there are cancer cells to small to be caught on the scan. We were so very happy for him.

So my next treatment will be on Halloween. I am saving my next video for that day. Wait until you see who I dress up as. Hahahahahahaha. I hope I can get it right.

Well, just wanted to touch base with everyone. Hopefully this next week will work for me. Keep me in your prayers. Love you all....Have a wonderful week. We are having some great fall weather. Hope you are too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's about time

Good day everyone...sorry I haven't written in so long. I am starting to learn how to handle the down days.
Last week my cousin Linda came out to visit me and stayed for 5 days. We had a great time. I was down and out for 1 day, so we had some quality time. We went yarn shop hopping, another day we made 4 strombolis that were soooooo delicious. Then we spent a day knitting and then went out for dinner and the knit shop for our Friday night divas group. Anyone that knows Linda can imagine how fun it was to hear her stories and just sit around and visit.And she shaved my head.......... Oh I cannot forget her "babies". Check out the picture. I just have the greatest and most supportive family around me. I am sooo blessed.

Tuesday I had a breathing test to test my lungs. One medication that I take, effects my lungs and they have to keep close tabs on that. Well, there was minimal change from my base line test, so Dr Anderson decided to delete the med from my treatment. He said I am far enough in my treatment that it would not make an impact on my end result. He feels we can still see a cure without it. We decided to get another pet scan after my 4th round. So we are looking at after November 14.

My next treatment is Friday. Joe is taking me this time. Larry took me last time and he learned how to long tail cast on. (knit) So Joe, be prepared. Come to treatment, learn to knit. Hey maybe I have found my niche in life. Teach knitting during chemo. Uhhhhh, NO.

Everyone have a wonderful week and I will try to get a new video out soon. Love you all....God Bless you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

not very flattering

So, just wanted to apologize for the not so flattering video that I posted yesterday. Talk about not being focused!! I guess you have to agree I do have a sense of humor. Who ever in their right mind would put a pix/video on a blog that LOTS of people look at, looking like death warmed over. yeeeessshhh! now you know I wasn't totally there. But what I said was from my heart. I do appreciate all of your comments, cards, letters and support. And I do love you all for it. I keep all of you in MY prayers and thoughts. Thank you. My next video will be better. Have a great day....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not a great week

Today is the first day I have been focused enough to write. This past week has not been the greatest. I was ok on Sat and Sunday, but Monday started to bring me down. I have been feeling very fatigued and the nurse Amy, said that it is like when I started chemo they put a backpack on me and every time I go for a treatment, they add ten pounds to that pack. So I need to prepare myself for that. I walk upstairs and get very tired. It is the weirdest feeling to me and most of you know that I am not the type of person to just sit around. I get so frustrated that I cannot do the normal daily things that I want to do. I guess I need to start depending on people to help me. My kids keep telling me that, but it is really hard when you are the one that has been the person people depend on.

Friday, September 19, 2008

begin round 2

Caroline came with me today and she learned how to knit. Here is a picture of her knitting. My kids are remarkable people. She took a day off work to come with me and Larry wants to come with me next time. I wonder if he wants to learn to knit. hehehehe.

Today I started my 2nd round of chemo. When we complete round 3, 6 treatments, I think they will do another pet scan and how cool would it be if they say...Ok go home and don't come back...Well, maybe not, but I really think they think it should take no more than 6 rounds. We will take it one treatment... at a time.

I am feeling good and will have a shot of neulasta tomorrow. Then by Wed I will be myself again.

Have a great day and talk with you soon. Love to all.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

So long Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad left on Tuesday to go back to New York. It was so great having them here. I wish I could have kept them here longer. They were so much help. Especially when I was down and out those few days.

Tomorrow is my next treatment. Caroline is coming with me. I will write more tomorrow.

Have a great day.....Love to all.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Raquel Welch eat your heart out.....

Your hair looks better on me.........hahaha

Ok, so ...Aint no stopping me now.... Here is my new wig. My new look. I went to the American Cancer Society and they have a program that supplies people who are going through chemo and losing their hair with a free wig. They will also give you 3 free scarves or hats. The people there were just adorable and so compassionate. It was quite an experience.

I am feeling really well now. I think I have this side effect thing under control. After chemo , 2 days of high, then 3 days of fatigue and icky feeling. (look that up in the medical dictionary) Then I am on the way up. Today we took my Dad bowling and I actually bowled 3 frames got 2 strikes and a spare. OH YEAH!!!!!

Everyone have a great day and love you all........Talk with you soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

reality check

Last night I went into wash my hair in the tub and this is what came out in one washing. Talk about reality hitting like a brick wall. But you know, surprisingly enough it doesn't really bother me. It is just superficial and I can honestly say I have never been a superficial person. ( I love me who do you love! hahaha)

But boy do I look cute with my bandana. Be back soon. Love you all.. Pictures to come soon.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

to all who are awaiting

Yesterday was the second part of my first round of chemo. My bloodwork came back ok, so they loaded me up. Actually, I am waiting to see when we won't have to use a nightlight anymore. I should be glowing soon. (only kidding) Anyway, things went really well and today I had to go to the hospital to get my shot of neulasta. They are going to give this to me after each chemo treatment, to help build the white blood cells in the marrow. The shot didn't hurt, it was when she was pushing the meds in that burned like heck.
I feel great, and hope that my next 2 weeks will not be like the last time. I am taking a lot of precautions..
I am getting prepared for the hair fallout. I went to buy some scarves (bandana style) and I am making some caps to sleep in so the hair doesn't get all over. I was looking at the picture I took at my first treatment, and it is very noticeable how much hair is gone. I will take another picture soon.
Joe was laughing at me tonight. I had my bandana on, yoga pants and ipod in my ears and I was dancing to Miley Cyrus Hannah Montana music, while I was taking care of Anthony. I guess I was a picture to be seen.
Well, everyone have a great week. I hope I can write more this week and I am feeling good. Love You all....Thank you so much for your support. It really means a lot to me.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

another week down....

Good labor day to everyone. Well, last week was a whirlwind. Mom and Dad came out to spend some time with me. We have been on the move almost every day. I haven't been able to update, so here is the scoop.
Thursday was supposed to be the second part of my first treatment. I have been feeling great, but when they did the blood tests, my PMN bands, were too low. So THEY REJECTED ME!!! When the Doctor told me they could not give me a treatment, I got very wide eyed. He said it was not unusual for this to happen within the first 3 treatments. Then I spoke with someone whose husband is going through chemo and she said it happened to him also. So I am going to just go with it.
They wanted me to wait a week, and go in on Friday. After that chemo, they are going to give me a shot of Newlast. (i think i spelled it right) It should boost my blood for the next treatment. Just a little setback, but I think it should be fine.
The only thing that bothered me this week were pains in the back of my calves. Not sure if it is due to my arthritis, or chemo side effects. Not too bad though. When I woke this morning, there was hair on my pillow. Think the crowning glory is starting to thin. So, I went through some scarves that my brother brought back from Afghanistan for me last year. I started to wrap my head and actually they looked cute. My cousin sent me a really cute fuzzy hat and she has some great ideas for hair and hats. I think we can have some fun with this.
On a serious note, it does knock you for a loop when you see that. But I guess, like this whole thing, it is how you handle it. I like to laugh, so........
Well, I will try to keep this updated. Oh, I did talk to Dr Anderson about what happened last week. He agreed that it could have been handled better. We are going to work on that.
Everyone have a great week and pray for people in wake of Gustav.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What a mess!

So sorry to my faithful viewers. I have not been in a capacity to write anything since Wed.

I was having some digestive problems and have been down and out most of the time in bed. They did say it was going to be a "side effect", but talk about SIDE EFFECT. Now let me elaborate on that. When we were in class and the first day of treatment, they were very helpful in telling me that if you feel this, then do this. Yeah, I am not so sure that being that general is such a good thing. It seemed like I just kept putting a pill over a pill. I cannot imagine my stomach feeling good about that. I went to the ER on Friday and spent the whole day there. Now they were very deliberate and did just what the book said. I was seen by a physicians assistant, being overseen by a dr. (uh DOOGIE HOUSER) Anyway they gave me morphine for the pain and chest xray and cat scan. Found out that there was no obstruction. Good thing. Then they sent in a nurses aid, with a bucket of soapy water. Most of us know what that is for.
Then they sent me home. They never gave me any fluids, which I would think that would be one of the first things they do. In case I was dehydrated.
Needless to say, I came home and nursed myself and am feeling a lot better today.

I am a little distressed at the lack of formal protocal when dealing with a newly diagnosed cancer patient. I think they assume that we know what questions to ask. I had to deal with 3 different aftercare nurses who weren't even associated with the Regions Cancer Care Center and most likely were rolling thier eyes while I was trying to describe what I was looking for, in the meantime giving them my medical history. I don't know, I am going to do some more research on this subject. Especially, if I am going to continue with this Center.

I have been fighting the medical and social system for 25 years, and although I just love my doctor, they really don't know who they are dealing with. I am going to get this straightened out for me and the next person in my position.

Ok, I am on a mission to clean up this mess. Stay tuned!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ok, you want to be a part of this

So, I knew I would have some bad days. Yesterday was one of those. I just cannot seem to get to sleep at night. I can nap during the day, but at night I am just restless. VERY weird dreams. You don' t want to know.
I have so many ideas for nutrition. I have lost about 7 lbs in a week, ( not really complaining ), but I want to keep up my strength.
I think I am going to join a support group. There is one that meets once a week with a psychologist and cancer survivor that is there to answer these questions that you hate bothering the doctors about.
I do want to say that my husband has been so good during this so far. I feel so bad about dropping so much in his lap, but he has been very supportive. Love you Joe!
My kids, what would I do without them. Love you guys.
Well, I hope today goes better. I am still weak, but I am hoping I will get stronger. I don' t have treatment until a week from tomorrow. I am not sure if my side effects will get worse with each treatment. Maybe not. Maybe the 2 week time is supposed to build me up. We will see.

Just a thought.....pray for those poor people in that air crash in Spain and thier families.
Have a blessed day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

hanging in there

Yesterday was a little harder, but it was expected. I am starting to feel the chemo working on my faster changing cells in my mouth and throat. It is a kind of prickling sensation. They said that would be happening. So now I HAVE to eat ice cream and yogurt. Oh too bad for me, huh?
Any body have any ideas on diet and nutrition? I am open to anything to keep up my staminia.

I was able to get Anthony off to program this morning and keeping things as normal as possible for everyone. This is changing our lives, but it will be for the good. Hopefully, I will keep on top of the fatigue. There is a Gilda Radner Cancer Center in Minneapolis that offers free yoga classes for cancer patients and the families. I think I am going to start those. Can't hurt, right?

Ok, everyone have a great week. Love to you all.....Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I love reading them everyday.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

So Far So Good

Things are going well. My next treatment will be in 2 weeks. They say I will start to slow down once I finish taking the antinausea meds and that will be on Sunday. So Monday I might crash and sleep all day. Ok, I guess we would all like to do that at least once....then my stamina should start back. Although I am trying to eat well and keep up my normal activity.
Thanks to everyone who has sent thier well wishes. I am now looking into chemo hats and wigs and scarves so I will be prepared in case I lose my crowning glory. Some people say that it will grow back maybe a differnt color, or curly. I think it may come back GRAY.... Oh well. I will try to take some pics of my new look.
If anyone has any ideas for caps or scarves or wigs, let me know. You know this can be fun. See ya tomorrow. Love you all........Life is good.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First day of treatment

Check out my chemo is from Life is Good company. That is what it says and life IS good.
this week has been a whirlwind.
Monday I had my chemo class...There was another man in the class that was just diagnosed with hodgkins. He is in stage 3. That means it is above and below his diaphragm. (I think I spelled it right. If not, I hope my medical terminology prof won't read this blog...hehehe)

Tuesday I had day surgery with the port implant...It is called a smart port ct. It is a power injectable port that enables the nurse to draw blood specimens and administer the chemo drugs through a port implanted in my chest. This way they don't have to damage my veins in my arms or hands. hey...fine by me..!!!!!If interested, you might be able to find more info on the

Wed Joe had surgery on his foot....He is doing well, and we think he will have a speedy recovery. It seems like we turned 50 and started to fall apart. It was funny, the nurses in the day surgery center saw us come in and remembered me from the day before. They just shook their heads and laughed.

Today I had my first chemo treatment...
I am going to SLEEP tomorrow.
Actually, today went really well.Denise came with me (thanks sweetie )and we did a lot of laughing. I don't seem to have any of the side effects that they talked about. Maybe I am jinxing myself, but I feel great. One woman said she could not believe I had my first treatment today, that I looked like I just got back from a shopping trip. That made me feel good. I went shopping for some groceries that would boost me during my treatments. (found a few naughty treats too...hey, I deserve a bag of chips)
They gave me antinausea meds and a steriod (hey Vanessa, maybe I will get those buff arms you are always talking about hahaha) Anyway, I have all this energy and I don't know if I will be falling asleep very soon. Well, this house needs to be cleaned. Let's see, it is ten thirty pm...I should be done by 2 AM.
So that is what is going on and thank you everyone so much for your prayers. I have so many people invading the heavens for me.